About High RTP Slots – Why Is It Interesting?

High RTP slots are slot games that have a Return To Player percentage of over 96% on online slots and above 88% on mechanical slots in real casinos. The term RTP also concerns the size of the payout figures as to how often the slot machine can provide wins when played.

In a slot with a high RTP, two possibilities can happen. First, slot machines produce frequent winning combinations within a certain period. Second, slot machines provide large payouts in just a few wins.

The two things above are closely related to the RTP factor of variance or volatility, Hit Frequency, and RNG. All three impact the spread of the winning numbers from the RTP constant. Therefore, you need to understand each of these terms.

Things You Need to Know About High RTP slots


The first point you need to know about High RTP slots is volatility. Have you ever used the term volatile in gameplay? If not, see below. In online slot games, there are complex types of games and some are simple. When you play in complex types of slots, winning tends to be difficult to achieve. This is due to in-game indicators that make the gameplay ‘wild’.

On the other hand, when you choose to play on a slot machine with a simple design, usually classic slots, you win easily. The simpler the game design, the faster you will understand the gameplay.

From this explanation, we know that gameplay is closely related to volatility. The measure of volatility is expressed by the following standard formula: the higher volatility, the rarer wins. The lower the volatility, the easier it is to win.

In terms of payout figures based on RTP, volatility plays a role in the spread of the winning value. This means that in high-volatility slots that rarely win-wins, the payout value is higher than for low-volatility slots.

Conclusion: choose slots with low volatility if you are still a beginner. Your chances of winning are greater even though the payout value is small.

Hit Frequency

While important, not so many players recognize what Hit Frequency is. Similar to volatility, Hit Frequency refers to the number of wins from a slot spin. This presentation mentions the number of times the machine gives a win in 100 x spins for example.

If the machine has a high Hit Frequency number, it means that there will be many wins. This means the machine is most likely to have low-medium volatility. 


The Random Number Generator is a technology that works on slot machines to ensure that the combination of numbers or symbols is randomised. The existence of this technology is the main reason why slot machines are difficult to predict, manipulate and read by players and bookies.

The slot games are designed by developers with RNG. Then, the RNG will be under the supervision of the gaming authority who evaluates, analyzes, and ensures that the engine is working optimally for all players.

The relationship between RNG and RTP?

The existence of RNG makes slot machines unpredictable. In high RTP slots, you certainly hope that once you play, you win immediately. The reality is not. RNG plays a role there. The engine may fail the first time, it can lose many times.

So, RTP is…

RTP is a number that states the nominal amount of money that a slot machine must return to players. The high-low RTP answers your question about what is a hot slot or hot slot. A high RTP is interpreted as a hot slot and a low RTP as a non-hot slot.

Facts on the ground about RTP say that not always high RTP slot games make you win a lot. There’s another factor there. So, not always this percentage marks an easy slot to win.

The RTP data should be used to find slot machines that offer more or more chances of winning. When you choose a slot machine with frequent wins, the payouts are small. However, when you select a slot with a high winning payout, the number of wins in that slot is very rare.

Conclusion: RTP data is used to increase the chances of winning on a slot machine, not to guarantee a win. The RTP percentage distributes several wins to all slot players over some time, with the number of wins affected by volatility, Hit Frequency, and RNG.

High RTP Slots Characteristics

Let’s talk about the relationship between RTP and the ‘hot’ slot machines. Based on mutual understanding, the slots that fail are always the high RTP slots. On the other hand, slots with a high RTP are not always easy to win.

Then, how do I determine high  RTP slots that are not working?

Make sure the RTP value is above 96%

Why is 96% considered the minimum RTP limit of the highest group because online slots have the lowest RTP value of 94% (so far)? Thus, the range between 94% -95% is owned by slots that are ‘stingy; At 96%, slots tend to give players more payouts depending on the volatility of the game.

Game volatility test

Don’t forget about volatility and its effect on payout figures. You need to make sure first; to play in high, medium, or low volatility slots. After that, then place a bet. Play high volatility slots if you want a challenging game and a chance to hit a big Jackpot. Vice versa.

Game validity

Be careful, the RTP number on a slot machine can be manipulated. Because on online gambling sites this RTP number is only mentioned in the form of a review and brief information. Developers do not write directly on the slot machine. So, you have to make sure that the number is so.

Site credibility

There is no point when you choose to play slots on a scam site. You probably don’t get paid no matter how hot the slots are. Scam sites will also manipulate the RTP percentage to attract players without guaranteeing that the RTP is reliable. So we you better to choose most trusted betting site such as Slot95 place where you will play.


Spend some time looking for information about the slot you want to play. The information is scattered on the internet. Written by many reviewers who love slot games. In this way, you can see some information about high RTP slots.

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